Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

This institution expect from you that:-

  1. Attendance in morning assembly is compulsory.
  2. Prescribed college uniform is compulsory for all.
  3. Ragging in the college campus is strictly prohibited.
  4. Using mobile phone and smoking in the college premises is strictly prohibited.
  5. Students should keep their identity card with them every time and it must be show on demand by the college authority.
  6. Without prior permission leave of any level is not allowed.
  7. The name of the students will strike off from the college roll if he remains absent from college 7 days and she remains absent from college 10 days.
  8. Re-admission will be clone after getting the permission from the university department.
  9. Indiscipline/Misbehave in class or during the examination not be tolerated and action against will be taken by authority.
  10. Damage to college property have to be compensated by the individual and action will be taken by the discipline committee of the college.
  11. All the students will follow the library rules.
  12. Every students must read the information displayed on the Notice Board.